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Hello! I hope you're ready to read a wall of text because OH MY GOSHHH THIS GAAAAAME I LOVE ITTT

I love stories that center around character interactions and this VN really delivers! I'm proud to say I got the good end first try woooo! I'll get back to this later to get the other endings but I want to get my thoughts out first :D

First of all, Aku is such a sweetheart hehe I love seeing his development as the story goes! You go little errand boy, go get those friendships <3

I've always had a bias towards Sera (I'm weak to women with customer service smiles who can crush me but would never...) and aduh sayang budak korporat pasti capek kerja banting tulang sehari-hari ya here I'll save you from corporate hell hehe jk <3 she's so awesome for maintaining her nice demeanor and being professional at all times tbh, I can only dream of being as cool as her--

Barra is such a fun guy! He's so me but with chocolate instead of cheese oops-- I was surprised to see his other form, oh he's so pretty <3 like boy who allowed you to be so chill AND pretty?? The ideal job is if every coworker is like him fr (...not ideal for the cheese situation tho, i take it back. Still love him tho!)

And ohhh boy Salma is SOOO COOL??? She's very intimidating and like Aku I was scared of her but at the same time I really really really want to know more about her, she's a very interesting character! The picnic preparation part was really fun to read, it's nice to see her softer side hehe. When she was about to teach Aku the 'superior' f word I was like YEAHHHH LET HIM SAY IT oh I love her so much!

The art is gorgeous and the writing is really nice, their contrast personalities make a very fun dynamics! The subtle mystery elements really got me hooked too, I hope in the future we can see what the heck is happening behind the curtains of Y/N :0
And oh my god ADA INDO COYYYYY! I love how you always incorporate culture in your games, it makes it so interesting to read! Onde-onde my beloved <3

There's a very small issue when I want to change pages on the save screen, when I try to click on the numbers it clicks the save slot instead, I had to hover my mouse a little lower to click the pages. This might just be an issue with my device, but I thought I'll let you know! I can still save just fine :D other than that, everything is smooth!

Sorry for this wall of text I hope you guys aren't too tired of reading my essay oops-

Great job on finishing this game, it was so fun to play! I look forward to see more of them, I love the Y/N bar crew so much!! <3


GOSH someone actually took the time to play our game AND write a whole essay review????? ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅน THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

We're so glad you enjoyed playing it and loved all the characters!! Based on the personal reviews so far we're not surprised that Sera easily charmed people (it's her job afterall XD)  but definitely didn't expect ppl to like Salma! I guess people do like tsunderes hahah ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’จ

I'm glad you enjoyed the art & writing because it was a challenge for us to sort of combine each of our own unique art/writing styles alltogether XD especially writing others' OCs... Glad it delivered! I hope you'll enjoy reading through the other routes as well :)

Thanks for the bug report! Programmer here, I honestly noticed that issue before, and I think that it's because of the text size(?), but I ultimately decided that it's not that big of an issue and left it (I dunno how to fix it either ;;). So sorry for the inconvenience, I hope it wouldn't ruin the whole experience!

Again, thanks so so much for your review! I always tell the team whenever we have any impressions of our game so that we can appreciate those who have played and are even so nice to leave a comment <3



I thought someone would die โœจโœจ


Y/N staff and people dying? That'll be on this game 


I genuinely got so emotional with Salma ๐Ÿ˜ข Precious sheee
Sera is so beautiful too, I got over her sassiness lol ๐ŸŒผ
And BARRAAAAAAAA ๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€
Genuinely I loved getting to know all of em ๐Ÿ’–Akuma too!


And thanks so much for playtesting! ๐Ÿ’–


SO CUTE! i love this!

Thank you so much! Please look forward to the full game as well! :)


i am! i love this and i want more so bad! amazing.